Home help have you ever thought about it Health Mission

Home help: have you ever thought about it ?

For the elderly, it is often difficult to continue to live in their homes and to take care of their daily needs without outside help. If for some people, placement in a retirement home is the best solution, for others, it is preferable to opt for home care. With this second option, the use of a home help becomes a must.

Home help: what are the advantages ?

As the name suggests, home helpers provide assistance to older people so that they can continue to live in their homes. The use of these aids sometimes becomes essential for someseniors, especially when they have difficulty performing simple daily tasks.

Thus, the role of thehome help is to help the elderly and dependent people, when accomplishing certain tasks. This assistance is provided by professionals called home helpers, who sometimes have notions in medicine that allow them to provide care to the seniors they take care of.

You still have doubts about the interest of such a solution ? Well, you should know that the use of a home help Paris or elsewhere offers many advantages. Among them we can mention :

The social development of the parent in charge

The home help is in charge of organizing outings, reading sessions or group walks for seniors. In this way, it promotes their social and relational development.

The realization of various tasks

The role of the home help is to help seniors with their daily tasks, but that’s not all. An auxiliary of life can do much more. It can take care of shopping, administrative procedures, cooking, cleaning, etc.

Help with daily tasks

This is the main role of the home help. It accompanies the senior citizen on a daily basis and helps him/her to get up in the morning, to wash, to dress, to comb his/her hair, to take his/her medication, etc. When elderly people become dependent due to the deterioration of their health, it is impossible for them to perform these simple tasks without assistance.

In addition to home help, the State and the various organizations that are responsible for the well-being of the population can offer other assistance to seniors and their families to improve their quality of life. Thus, you will be able to benefit for example from economic aid and fiscal advantages, or subsidies to help you in the choice of a home help’a retirement home.

Home help: what are the benefits?

How to qualify for home help ?

For benefit from a home help, you must first meet certain conditions. Above all, if you are still independent, you should contact your pension fund or your town hall to obtain financial assistance.

In the case of recourse to the pension fund, you will be asked about your income and your ability to manage on your own. After that, you can be granted one or more of the following aids

  • Meal delivery
  • Home help for household tasks
  • Assistance with transportation.

If you use the services of your city council, it will also study your situation. Afterwards, if you meet the conditions, you can get a home help. The conditions to be met are as follows:

  • Earning less than 800 euros per month if you live alone
  • Earning less than 1242 euros per month if you live with your spouse
  • Be over 65 years old
  • Or be over 60 years of age for those recognized as unfit for work.

In the case of a loss of autonomy, you can try to obtain’APA Aid . This involves the personalized autonomy allowance, an aid granted to you by your department. However, it cannot be combined with the help of the pension fund or the help of the town hall.

The APA is a significant financial aid, which can allow you to hire a home help for your daily needs. You can either contact a home help service that will send you a professional, or hire your own home help directly.

How do I qualify for home help?

What is the cost of a home help?’a home help ?

A home help can sometimes be very expensive for some households. This is why the different aids granted by the State and organizations such as the APA are very appreciated. To determine the amount to be paid, one must first take into account the level of dependence of the elderly person by referring to the AGGIR grid. Thus:

  • When you are not dependent, but you need a home help, you have to pay generally the SMIC, that is to say approximately 10 euros per hour
  • When you are classified in the GIR 2 category, you must pay between 12 and 13 euros per hour
  • When you are classified in the GIR 4 category, you have to pay between 14 and 15 euros per hour
  • Finally, when you are in the GIR 6 category, you must pay about 16 euros per hour to your home help.

In summary, home help can be a real help for improve the quality of life of the elderly, whether they are dependent or not.