How to Choose an Electric Radiator Charliebirdy

How to Choose an Electric Radiator ?

When winter comes, it’s a dilemma in your home: to be warm all the time or to reduce your energy consumption ? If you don’t heat with wood, gas or oil, you rely on your electric radiator… How to choose an economical and/or intelligent electric radiator, and how to adjust it properly ? To keep warm without getting depressed, follow our advice.

How to choose an economical electric radiator ?

To make the right choice, you must already know the different types of electric radiators sold on the market:

  • radiant, or electric radiator with radiant panels A smart electric radiator : it heats a plate placed at the front of the device thanks to an electric resistance, then an infrared system radiates electromagnetically the heat created. The temperature rises quickly and spreads effectively throughout the room;
  • inertia In this case, the electrical resistance is contained in a liquid called heat transfer fluid (fluid inertia) or in a storage material such as ceramic or cast iron (dry inertia). The heat is created and stored in the liquid or material (e.g. during off-peak hours) and spreads harmoniously, even after the electric radiator is switched off (during peak hours);
  • with a double heating system How to choose an electric radiator: this electric radiator combines the technology of the dry inertia radiator and the radiant, ensuring a good restitution of heat in the room while being economic by its operation.

The price of an electric radiator is very variable: from 50 to more than 1500€ for the best models. Inertia radiators are to be preferred because they allow you to save nearly 45% of your electrical expenses (Total Energies). Count on average 400 à 800€ for an inertia heater.

Choose an intelligent electric radiator

Several models of electric radiators are available: square, horizontal, vertical, low, baseboard, etc. In addition to your thermal comfort, your energy consumption and your budget, your radiator must also be adapted to the room, its surface and its function. For to fit out a small living room for example, you should choose the dry energy radiator (or dual system).

It will heat the living room efficiently and without any feeling of dampness or humidity.
Also choose a intelligent electric radiator. You will enjoy economic and practical benefits:

  • presence detection : the radiator works when it detects activity in the room and turns off (on standby) when everything is quiet;
  • detection of open windows: to avoid “heating the street”, this option allows the radiator to turn off when it detects air coming from outside;
  • connected: via an application on your smartphone, you can adjust, start or stop your radiator remotely, check your energy consumption, etc. Complementary boxes sold separately allow to add the connected mode to its current radiator.

What power for an electric radiator ?

The power of an electric radiator depends on several factors the surface of the room (too small, the heater will have to work harder and longer to be effective), its isolation, the outside temperature and your personal needs. The average power of electric radiators is calculated on a simple basis: count 100W on average for 1m², i.e. :

  • 1000 to 1500W for a room of 10 to 15m²;
  • 1500 to 2000W for 15 to 20m²;
  • 2000 to 2500W for 20 to 25m² and so on.

This formula becomes more complex if your ceiling height is greater than 2.50m. Also think about adjust your thermostat if your radiator is not connected. The recommended temperatures The amount of electricity you save differs from one room to another (and from one family to another):

  • 18 to 20°C in the living room (living room, dining room);
  • 16 to 18°C for the bedroom;
  • 22°C for the bathroom.

Set your heating and standby times, your temperatures, etc. If your home is already well insulated, if you buy a recent and efficient electric radiator and if your energy supplier is competitive, then your electricity consumption will no longer be a nightmare this winter !

Note that if you decrease your heating by 1°C, it’s 7% of energy consumption that you save ! A little extra plaid this winter if needed, and that’s a few euros less on your electricity bill.