AdBlock Plus – The intrusive anti-advertising application!
L’AdBlock Plus extension is one of the best extensions to a classic web browser. It allows you not to display unwanted pop-ups and to hide in 99.9% of the time, it hides intrusive ads on websites. Solutions on Android exist and are more than excellent but illegal according to Google.
Adaway, which is known to all people with a rooted phone, is the best and most effective one available today. Will the arrival of AdBlock Plus change the game ?
Yes, because unrooted people will finally be able to protect themselves from increasingly intrusive ads in applications: some in sports and international news applications are unbearable. But the situation will not change considerably because even if AdBlock Plus is a reference on PC web browsers, it still has some work on Android before it becomes an essential reference. Moreover, people who have rooted their smartphone will probably prefer to use Adaway, the must-have anti-adware application in the sector.
Here is the link to download the application:
I remind you that Google banned AdBlock Plus from the Play Store six months ago on the pretext that the application challenged Google’s business model on cell phones, which is profitable thanks to advertising. So be aware that you are “penalizing” Google when installing this application.
Deactivate the’AdBlock tool
L’The tool installed very easily on your computers is very useful to help you to remain effective in your daily tasks. A simple and effective way to protect yourself from pop-up ads that appear during your browsing.
However, this tool can be quite intrusive at times and may bother you. In fact, some content can be blocked without you really wanting it. In case of problems, do not use it’don’t forget that you can choose to deactivate adblock at any time.
To do this, nothing could be easier. You can do it all with the AdBlock Plus’If you have problems, first disable it only for the site that bothers you. In this case, you will just have to deactivate the’extension in the’tab at the top of your web page.
But you can also cancel the’action of’AdBlock, all you have to do is to turn off the AdBlock software’go to your web browser settings and uncheck the “AdBlock Plus” box’This is a tool that will not bother you in your next search.
N’Don’t forget that in your web browser settings you can also simply remove the option to use the bathtub’AdBlock extension. Once the process is finished, the ads will come back as if nothing had happened’was. A process that may make you miss your tool in the background.
However, at any time you can start the process again.